Babylon 5 is a tv series about the space station located in neutral space. It was made by the Earth Alliance in the 2250, The man reason on way it is built is to maintain the peace and order amongst on the appointed ambassadors. A council made up of representatives from the five major space-faring civilizations - the Earth Alliance, Mimbari Federation, Centarui Republic, Narn Regime, and Vorlon Empire - work with the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to keep interstellar relations under control. Aside from its diplomatic function, Babylon 5 also serves as a military post for Earth and a port of call for travelers, traders, businessmen, criminals, and Rangers.
The sci-fi tv series aired on February 22, 1993 and January 3, 1999, It has a total number of 110 episodes , you can watch the tv episodes on dvd, Babylon 5 DVD, compiled to enjoy the shows....
Nice blog concept..It seems like you've concentrated on classic tv shows..Well,good idea.^_^
jamaine12 said...
February 4, 2008 at 4:29 AM