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Malcolm in the Middle

A regular high school kid ,although Malcolm has a genius IQ, he can’t seem to make sense of the opposite sex, much less his embarrassing family. LOIS portrayed by Jane Kaczmarek is the outspoken, opinionated mom, who still manages her boys are growing wise to her mom ways. HAL portrayed by Bryan Cranston, a dad who is just a bumbling, big kid at heart, often finds himself creating more chaos than his five boys combined. REESE portrayed by Justin Berfield has mastered the art of a perfect blank stare, and makes up for his lack of intelligence with deviance.

The comedy tv series aired on January 9, 2000 and May 14, 2006, It has a total number of 151 episodes , you can watch the tv episodes on dvd, Malcolm in the Middle DVD, compiled to enjoy the shows....


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