Thundera is a world in crisis in a distant galaxy. The plant has become unstable and while collapse soon. The people of Thundera, known as Thundercats, The people residing at Thundera travel with their spaceship living the their dying planet and moved to Third Earth. The remaining people of Thundera namely Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra, Wilykat, Wilykit, Snarf, and Lion-O form their headquarters known as Cat's Lair. They fight the evil mutants who was headed by a powerful leader named Mumm-Ra. But the Thundercats are set to fight them and save themselves and keep peace to Third Earth.
The cartoon tv series aired on January 23, 1985 and December 5, 1986, It has a total number of 130 episodes , you can watch the tv episodes on dvd, Thundercats DVD, compiled to enjoy the shows....
one of the popular cartoon tv series of the '80s
Anonymous said...
March 10, 2008 at 12:53 PM