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Voltron forces are Commander Keith Akira Kogane, he was the leader and the one who pilots the Black Lion and think of different and new strategies; Lance Charles McClain was the who pilots the Red Lion that acts as and form as the right arm of the Voltron; Darrell Stoker pilots the Green Lion that forms as the left arm of the Voltron and he was the youngest on the group; Sven Holgersson piloted the Blue Lion; Princess Allura piloted the Blue Lion that forms as the right leg of the Voltron when Sven has to sent to planet Ebb when he encountered an attack and was injured; Tsuyoshi Garett piloted the Yellow Lion which form as the left leg of the Voltron. They were joined by their allies Space Mice, Princess Romelle, Coran, Nanny, and King Alfor.

The cartoon tv series aired on September 10, 1984 and November 18, 1985, It has a total number of 72 episodes , you can watch the tv episodes on dvd,Voltron DVD, compiled to enjoy the shows....


that's one of the most popular cartoon Tv Series of '80s along with Transformers

March 12, 2008 at 1:26 PM  

I like Votron anime series, since I was a kid I am a fanatic of this robot...Actually i and my brother have a toy collection of this Voltron robot...I can say that this is one of the amazing animated tv show ever...

March 12, 2008 at 1:28 PM  

I used to watch this anime way back...This is kinda similar with Voltes V but i like it though..

March 13, 2008 at 10:11 AM  

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