Blake Carrington portrayed by John Forsythe, owner of the big Oil empire known as Denver Carrington. He was married before to Alexis Carrington portrayed by Joan Collins who became his worst enemy owning Colby Co Oil Empire. They got four children during their marriage namely Adam, Fallon, Steven, and Amanda. Blake was to marry Krystle Jennings portrayed by Linda Evans at the start of the series. Krystle was his young and beautiful secretary. When they got married Krystle found a very hostile reception on the Carrington's household and the only one who was on his side was Steven. But later Krystle and Fallon settled their differences which riled the displaced and resentful Alexis even further.
The drama tv series aired on January 12, 1981 and December 10, 1989, It has a total number of 220 episodes , you can watch the tv episodes on dvd,Dynasty DVD, compiled to enjoy the shows....
Amazing drama series about love and career...I love classic series they are more meaningful than the modern series today...
psyche said...
March 11, 2008 at 8:01 AM